Church Missionary Society

The Church Missionary Society was formed in England in 1799. This was the first of several missions organized by Evangelicals and is a missionary arm of the Church of England. Several similar organizations merged with the C.M.S. Most pertinent to the history of M. E. Barber is its relationship to the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society , which it absorbed in 1957.

Missionary Expansion

The late 1800’s saw a swelling of missionary rosters in many organizations. In the last decade of the century, the C.M.S. was praying to send out 1000 missionaries before the turn of the century, and the Lord blessed this prayer.

See also –> Spiritual Awakening in England
See also –> Influences on the Church Missionary Society in the 1880’s

C.M.S. in China

The first visits to China by a C.M.S. missionary were by Edward Burnard Squire in 1838-1840. The missions’ first permanent station opened in Ningbo in 1848. The Fuzhou Mission began in 1850. Overall, the C.M.S. would establish five missions: Zhejiang Mission, Fujian Mission, Kwangsi-Hunan Mission, West China Mission, and South China Mission. Each would cover stations scattered widely across the provinces.

The Fujian Mission started with the Fuzhou-Nantai station in 1850. The Fuzhou work was specifically assisted by the Dublin University Mission which was “formed in 1886 to recruit CMS missionaries from the university and support them financially.”1

In 1911, this Dublin University Mission took over Trinity College in Fuzhou. It appears that this is the same Trinity College where Watchman Nee, Faithful Luke, and his companions would attend high school.


Church of England

Fuzhou Mission Proposed New Regulations Controversy CMS today .


1 - Tiedemann, R. G..  Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China: From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis, 2016. pg.144

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