Letters - 1898.11.15 to Mr. Baring-Gould


Keng Tau
Nov. 15, 1898

Dear Mr. Baring-Gould,

You will rejoice to know that Dr. Rigg and Dr. Synge have decided that we can live in this house again and we hope therefore to take possession in about a month’s time. We are rejoicing in the prospect. I am only here for a day or two. I should have left for Sa Loo today but the weather has kept me a prisoner in the house. The wind is so high that we are afraid that we shall have another typhoon. No one could venture out today the gale was so fierce. I have no doubt Archdeacon Wolfe has told you of all the damage the last typhoon did. Our house was a perfect wreck after it and only two rooms are habitable. The workmen are getting on so well that we hope in a month the house will be quite finished. I am thankful for the work of the past month. The weather has been very bad and we have not been able to go out as often s we wished but in every village where we had the privilege of preaching the gospel we had quite earnest listeners and often really interesting questions were asked by the heathen. My plan when going to a hitherto unvisited village, is to go to the few women we are on the watch for the foreigner, having seen my chair in the distance, and after a few minutes friendly talk get an invitation to preach which I and the Bible women gladly accept, the crowd meanwhile gathering to listen. Often after one of the “preachings” some bystander will ask us to go to her house and in hat way the seed is sown. I praise God for the health He is giving me for this glorious work. Hoping to be able to write to you soon of settled work once more in Keng Tau.

I am
Yours faithfully
Margaret. E. Barber.


Her gospel approach is very simple and organic - simply talking to the first women waiting for her and waiting for an invitation which it seems was polite and expected. This is one difference with the culture of her day compared to ours. If we were to visit a village today, would we receive such a welcome?
One also notices the daily minutia she includes in these letters. Mr. Baring-Gould must have been very familiar with the practical details housing, travels and challenges the missionaries under his care encountered.

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Related Letters - 1898.12.09 Baring-Gould to MEB Letters - 1899.01.10 to Mr. Baring-Gould

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