Poems - Lord If It Be Thou

Lord If It Be Thou

Verse 1
Be strong, beloved, when the storm shall rage,
Look not, like Peter, at the angry crest
Of yon great billow; foaming, seething surge
Can only drive thee to thy Savior’s breast.

Verse 2
See how serene and calm, how undismayed
Thy Lord doth stand, smiling upon thy fear,
Wondering that thou dost dare to be afraid,
When He, the Lord of glory, is so near.

Verse 3
Thou, at His “Come,” thy little boat has left;
See, it is tossing now beyond thy call;
Look not behind thee, look into His face,
Whose “Come” once uttered, now is past recall.

Verse 4
Strong be thy heart, and calm, and glad, and brave!
For angles wonder at thy fearless faith,
And Christ is glad, and men are whispering
Their thanks to God; “Be faithful, yea, to death.”

Meter: 10.10. 10. 10.

  • Anchored To Infinity: 30
  • A Seed Sown In China: 174

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