Influences on the Church Missionary Society in the 1880's
In Eugene Stock’s history of the Society, the author states, “The Church Missionary Society owes a whole succession of missionaries to the influences of that period.”1 He is referring to the years from 1870 to the 1890’s when many pieces of God’s work coalesce in a grand missionary movement in England. D. L. Moody brought revival in the 1870’s, but his visit in 1882 brought a deeper impact through his visit to Cambridge. “The Cambridge Seven” who responded to Moody’s missionary call at that time found mentorship under Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission. Hudson Taylor, alongside the Society’s deep ties to the Keswick Convention had a marked impact on the methods and practices of the society.
C. M. S. Ties to Keswick
The Keswick Convention sought to be an ecumenical gathering for those seeking to deepen their spiritual life. The message of Keswick was resisted by many skeptics, including Handley C. G. Moule. Moule, a rising academic in the Anglican church was immediately arrested by the preaching he heard the first time he attended in 1884. He admitted he was convicted, made aware of his need for deeper growth, and publicly testified, “how the last night had been a great blessing to my soul.” Subsequently, he became an avid promoter of the Convention in Anglican circles and eventually one of its regular speakers.
In 1885, Moule spoke at C.M.S. functions. And by 1888 their annual conference was dominated by Keswick. As Reetzke notes, “Of the six principal speakers, four were Keswick leaders—Handley Moule, Webb-Peploe, C. A. Fox and E. Hopkins. This, according to Andrew Murray2*, ‘proves how closely the movement for the deepening of spiritual life at Keswick, and the quickening of the missionary spirit in the Society, were allied.’“3
Hudson Taylor and the Cambridge Seven
The primary affect this group of servants had on the Society, was Taylor’s push to conduct meetings only on Spiritual grounds. Taylor’s fund raising methods were a challenge to any society—he refused to include public appeals for offerings in his meetings in favor of private prayer for the Lord to supply.
Secondly, though actively leading his own mission society, he held meetings not for the benefit of the China Inland Mission over and against other missionary outlets, but brought “The Seven” to gatherings on behalf of the need in China. These meetings brought together all who cared for the gospel to meet together under a common Headship. Here, they presented the Lord’s need in the whole country, not just the facts of one Society’s mission outposts. They prayed to the Lord to provide, made appeals for recruits to come and serve the Lord alone and considered all work as being directly accountable to a Living Master.
These meetings put all the societies on the spot as to their methods and where they placed their trust. Stock notes, “In many ways the Church Missionary Society owes a deep debt of gratitude to the China Inland Mission and the Cambridge Seven.” Instancing this effect, Stock cites notes from their 1885 Annual Conference of the Association Secretaries:
The spiritual character of the meetings held by Mr. Hudson Taylor and his Cambridge recruits was referred to, and the idea was thrown out of arranging special gatherings simultaneously in different centers, to plead the claims, not of the Society, but of the Divine Lord and Savior to the entire obedience and devotion of His servants. 4
Reetzke adds, “From that time on, a weekly prayer meeting was begun at the Church Missionary Society and was carried on for years to come.”5
These seeds of change provide a base for the spiritual atmosphere Miss Barber came into in the late 1890’s.
1 - Stock, Eugene, The History of the C.M.S. Vol 3 pg. 284
2 - Murray, Andrew. *The Key to the Missionary Problem. pg. 83
3 - Reetzke, James. A Seed Sown in China pg. 12
4 - Stock, Eugene. The History of the C.M.S. Vol 3 pg.316
5 - Reetzke, James. A Seed Sown In China pg. 9
Notes mentioning this note
Index of Pages
- All Hymns and Poems in Alphabetical Order
- All Pictures
- Anecdotes of Watchman Nee
- Articles - A Visit To Keng-Tau by M. E. Barber, May 1987
- Articles - A Day In Fuh-Chow by M. E. Barber, June 1896
- Articles - Luxury In A Loft by M. E. Barber March 1899
- Articles - Women Workers in Fuh-Kien
- Believer's Baptism by Immersion
- Categories of Poems
- Church Missionary Society
- Comparing Verses of a Pilgrim with Anchored to Infinity
- Faithful Luke
- Hymnal - Christ In Song
- Hymnal - Hymns
- Hymnal - Hymns for the Little Flock
- Hymnal - Songs and Hymns of Life
- Hymnal - The '1052' Hymnal
- Hymns of M. E. Barber
- Influences on the Church Missionary Society in the 1880's
- Introduction to Miss Barber's Poems
- Keep Up The Song Of Faith in A Witness & A Testimony
- Leland Wang
- Letters - 1895.06.20 Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1896.02.26 1 Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1896.02.26 2 Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1896.03.06 to Mr. Baring-Gould Arrival in China
- Letters - 1896.09.14 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1896.11.21 Extract from her Annual Letter
- Letters - 1898.02.18 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1898.03.16 MEB
- Letters - 1898.05.10 MEB, Oatway & Suttor to Lloyd
- Letters - 1898.10.19 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1898.11.01 Extract from Annual Letter
- Letters - 1898.11.15 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1899.01.10 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1899.11 - in For Christ in Fuh-Kein
- Letters - 1899.11.21 Extract from Annual Letter
- Letters - 1900.10.15 on Furlough to Mr. Baring-Gould from Norwich
- Letters - 1900.10.30 on Furlough to Mr. Baring-Gould from Liverpool
- Letters - 1900.10.31 to Mr. Baring-Gould - Money for Ning Daik
- Letters - 1901.07.11 on Furlough to Mr. Baring-Gould from Harlesden
- Letters - 1901.10.5 on Furlough to Mr. Baring-Gould from Norwich
- Letters - 1901.12.13 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1901.12.14 to Extract from Annual Letter
- Letters - 1901.12.26 Circular Letter
- Letters - 1902.11 Extract from Annual Letters
- Letters - 1903.08.19 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1903.09.03 Circular for the Fuhkien Prayer Union
- Letters - 1903.12.13 - to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1904.12.10 Extract from Annual Letter
- Letters - 1905.09.06 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1905.11 before the Fuh-Kien Women's Conference
- Letters - 1905.11.22 - To Mr. Fox
- Letters - 1905.11.22 -the story of the fight - to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1905.11.22 to Mr. Baylis
- Letters - 1905.11.27 Extract from Annual Letter
- Letters - 1905.11.28 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1905.12.04 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1905.12.10 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1906.01.26 to Liverpool Ladies' C.M. Union
- Letters - 1906.03.08 to Mr. Baring Gould
- Letters - 1906.09.19 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1907.01.16 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1907.9.18 to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Letters - 1925 Testing the Supernatural in The Dawn
- Letters - 1926.4.2 to D. M. Panton
- M. L. S. Ballord
- Map of Fujian in For Christ in Fuh-Kien
- Maxims - A hymn, like milk and honey
- Maxims - Do you love God’s will
- Maxims - Don’t be afraid; just believe
- Maxims - I want nothing for myself; I want everything for the Lord
- Maxims - If I am wrong, then the sickness will continue; But if this is Satan’s attack, then I shall not continue to be sick
- Maxims - If Satan can seize our thoughts, then he already controls our life
- Maxims - Lord! In order to satisfy Your heart, I am willing to have my heart broken
- Maxims - Lord! Let me serve You, not the temple
- Maxims - Lord, please wait! I will surrender to You
- Maxims - Lord, will You really let the year 1925 pass away; Although it is the last day of the year, I still ask You to come today
- Maxims - No loaf which has been put in the Lord’s hand has ever been left unbroken
- Maxims - No loaf which has been put in the Lord’s hand has ever been left unbroken
- Maxims - The secret to understanding the will of God
- Maxims - We see the outward failures of men; the Lord sees their hidden victories
- Maxims of Miss Barber
- Miss Groves - M. E. Barber's friend
- Notes in Barber's Bible
- Overview of Margaret Emma Barber
- Poems - Cherith
- Poems - Ask in Faith
- Poems - Buried
- Poems - Call Unto Me And I Will Answer Thee
- Poems - Can You Be Obedient
- Poems - Deep Down into the Depths of this Thy Name
- Poems - Delivered through Death!
- Poems - Filled
- Poems - Glorious, Mighty Name of Jesus
- Poems - God Will Answer
- Poems - God is Faithful
- Poems - God's Word
- Poems - Hallelujah! Christ is Victor
- Poems - He Faileth Not, For He Is God
- Poems - He Looked For A City
- Poems - Holy Spirit, Flow Through Me
- Poems - I Dare Not Be Defeated
- Poems - If I obey Him, Can I not trust Him
- Poems - If The Lord Still Tarry
- Poems - If The Path I Travel
- Poems - In the Mighty Name of Jesus
- Poems - In the Wilderness for God
- Poems - Keep Up The Song Of Faith
- Poems - Keep the Incense Burning
- Poems - Lift that Name high!
- Poems - Lord If It Be Thou
- Poems - Lord What Wilt Thou Have Me Do
- Poems - Miracles of Love and Power
- Poems - My Cup Runneth Over
- Poems - Not Where We Elect To Go
- Poems - Nothing For Him
- Poems - On toward the Goal! Press on!
- Poems - Praise in the Dark
- Poems - Pray Ye Therefore
- Poems - Rapture
- Poems - Righteousness or Revenue
- Poems - That I May Win Christ
- Poems - That No Man Take Thy Crown
- Poems - The Breath of Prayer
- Poems - The Days May Yet Grow Darker
- Poems - The End Crowns All
- Poems - The Fourth Watch
- Poems - The King Is Coming Soon
- Poems - The Loser Finds
- Poems - The Path
- Poems - The Will of the Lord Be Done
- Poems - There Is Always Something Over
- Poems - Thou Magnet of My Soul
- Poems - To the Foe My Word Is Always No
- Poems - Via Bethlehem We Journey
- Poems - Victory
- Poems - Waiting
- Poems - Watch for the morning is breaking
- Poems - We Are Waiting For Thee
- Poems - We Which Live
- Poems - With Him In The Holy Mount
- Poems - Wrecked Outright
- Poems of M. E. Barber
- Poems which could become a hymn
- Proposed New Regulations
- Related Letters - 1896.01.16 Instructions of the Committee
- Related Letters - 1896.01.16 Instructions of the Committee to the Other Missionaries
- Related Letters - 1896.10.03 Wolfe to Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1897.03.12 Baring-Gould to M. E. Barber
- Related Letters - 1897.10.20 Wolfe to Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1898.05.13 Lloyd to Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1898.12.09 Baring-Gould to MEB
- Related Letters - 1901.07.08 Ms. Boileau to Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1901.07.19 Baring-Gould to Lloyd
- Related Letters - 1903.10.23 Baring-Gould to MEB
- Related Letters - 1904.11.29 William Muller to Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1905.09.01 Fuhkien Prayer Union
- Related Letters - 1905.10.03 Wolfe on Crumpe
- Related Letters - 1905.10.05 Lloyd on Crumpe
- Related Letters - 1905.11.30 Mrs. Phillips to Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1906.01.25 Mr. Muller + Fukien Prayer Union
- Related Letters - 1906.05.08 Misses Barr & Bushell to Mr. Baring Gould
- Related Letters - 1906.06.08 Mrs. Lloyd and Miss Barr to Mr. Baring Gould
- Related Letters - 1906.07.14 Bp. Price Precise Summary
- Related Letters - 1906.09.24 - Minutes of Men's Standing Sub-Committee
- Related Letters - 1906.11.02 Charles Harford to Mr. Baring-Gould
- Related Letters - 1907.01.25 - Mr. Baring Gould to Bishop Price
- Related Letters - 1907.09.27 Mr. Baring-Gould to Mr. Lloyd
- Sources - A Family History Of A Lost Person
- Sources - A Seed Sown In China by James Reetzke
- Sources - Anchored to Infinity by Christian Chen
- Sources - Anchored to Infintiy Chinese edition by Christian Chen
- Sources - Christ in Hymnology by Christian Chen and William Mallon
- Sources - Church Missionary Society Archive at Cadbury Research Library
- Sources - McClelland, T. - For Christ in Fuh-Kien
- Sources - T.C.D. in China
- Spiritual Awakening in England
- Spiritual Hunger as a Nine Year Old
- Teaching Brokenness
- Teaching Others to Bear the Cross
- The Dawn
- The Dawn - Faithful Luke Mentioned
- The Dawn - Miss Ballord's account of the Duck-herd
- The Willows school
- Verses of a Pilgrim
- Via Bethlehem in Anchored to Infinity
- Watchman Nee
- What's New
- When Miss Barber was called to be a missionary
- Wrecked Outright in Anchored to Infinity
- financial support