The Dawn - Faithful Luke Mentioned


An Evangelical Magazine
Edited by D. M. Panton, B.A.

Vo. XXIX, No. 3
No. 323
March, 1951

The Outlook of the Hour


Mr. Faithful Luke writes us a very encouraging word concerning China. “The Lord is saving many souls in China. In 1948 I went back to China, and attended two small villages: when I was at Ngu-ka there were over 300 in fellowship, now there are 800, or more; at Nug-cheng there were 30, now 600 or more. In Shanghai we have built a hall which can accommodate 300, and there are 2500 in fellowship. At Tringtao there are about 3500 breaking bread every Lord’s Day. May the Lord keep them all true and loyal to Him and His holy Word till He come.”


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