Related Letters - 1905.09.01 Fuhkien Prayer Union


Fuh-kien Prayer Union.

Kuliang, September, 1st, 1905.

To all our Fellow-workers:—

“Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Wherefore take up the whole armor of God—with all prayer and supplication, prayer at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching there-unto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”
(Eph. 6:12, 13, 18.)

The past year has proven the power of our prayer union, and the answers received compel us to unite even more earnestly in continued intercession. In our prayers we shall make mention with thanksgiving the outpouring outpouring of the Spirit in the churches in Amoy, Chin-cheu, Chang-poo, Eng-chhun, An-khoe and other places in the southern section of Fuh-kien, Hok-chiang and Lo-nguong. The work in these many places was distinctly the work of the Holy Spirit and not accomplished by man. It was begun in connection with the Prayer Union; exceedingly much prayer was offered before and during the special missions held in these places, and the blessings received came very clearly in answer to our petitions. We should note especially the daily meetings for united prayer in Amoy, which was continued for several weeks while the missions were being conducted in the centered in the country, and which was attended by all the missionaries of the three missions living in the port. The victories won have been through prayer. Alas, that we did not pray more earnestly.

During the coming months it is strongly recommended that several missions be held in the centers in North Fuh-kien and the work in the southern districts be continued. Will not each missionary hold himself RESPONSIBLE to further this plan for his district? As other plans are developed more definitely information will be sent to you from time to time in letters written by the Honorary Secretary. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in planning this work; for the preparation of the agents whom He will use; for the missionaries and Chinese Christians at the centers where missions shall be held that they may be ready for the Spirit’s message; for truly united effort throughout the province both in prayer and work that there may be nothing to hinder the Spirit’s using men or churches in accomplishing His work.

For this we shall pray daily and with one mind and heart.

Those members of the Union who are on the field in the Province are also urged to continue their efforts to induce others, missionaries, Chinese church members, home friends and churches to join the Union inn its prayers for this Province; and also to continue with special meetings for such prayer in the churches, schools, colleges, and in family worship. We shall seek to cultivate a true spirit of constant prayer, arranging for sermons and addresses, teaching the privilege and power of prayer, circulating the best literature in English and Chinese on the subject of prayer. Wearing the armor of God, as His soldiers, our warfare is to be by prayer, (Eph., 6-18). Our victory is to be “not by might nor by power but by Thy Spirit, saith Jehovah of Hosts. Who are thou, O great mountain (Zech., 4-6, 7)”.

We are reminded that in praying thus especially for Fuh-kien we are in line with the plan of the Union praying for World-wide Revival. Your Committee has therefore instructed the Honorary Secretary to write to the Keswick Council that we may be enrolled as affiliated with them in their desires and prayer. And we shall therefore include in our Union all those who have already or may at any time unite with the World-wide Union. We request that those in Fuh-kien who are or may become members of the World-wide Union to send their names to the Secretary. Our only purpose is to plan for more definite prayer for this Province.

At a Meeting of the missionaries at the Kuliang in connection with the Union, it was resolved:

“That the Fuh-kien Prayer Union requests the Keswick Council to send out the Rev. C. Inwood or some other missioner as the Council may think best, in the first instance for the missionaries, and as far as practicable for the Chinese, and that the Secretary write explaining fully the opinion of the Union.”

Let us unitedly pray that God’s messenger may come to us and be used by the Holy Spirit in extended Christ’s Kingdom in Fuh-kien.

The conviction has grown upon us in the two years since the first letter in connection with the Union was sent out that a wondrous opportunity has come to Fuh-kien Church. God is about to own in a marvellous way the faithful proclamation of the Gospel. The Church with its army of ordained ministers, catechists, colporteura and lay workers is about to be fired and filled with the Holy Spirit of God. The answers to prayer for the past year are but the first droppings of the showers that are sure to come. With invincible faith in one mind and one heart we wait for the “promise of the Father”.

Yours in Christ’s service, F. P. U . Committee.

A. L. Warnshuis; Miss Talmage; Reformed Church of America.
Carl Anderson; Miss Lecky; English Presbyterian Mission.
J. Sadler; Miss Ovenden; London Mission Society.
W. Muller; Miss Cooper; Church Missionary Society.
L. Hodous; Miss Hartwell; American Board Mission.
W. Bissonnette; Miss Bosworth; Methodist Board Mission.
W. L. Beard; Young Men’s Christian Association.

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