Hymns of M. E. Barber


In alphabetical order:

  1. Ask In Faith
  2. Can You Be Obedient
  3. Deep Down into the Depths of This Thy Name
  4. Filled
  5. Glorious, Mighty Name of Jesus
  6. Hallelujah! Christ Is Victor
  7. He Looked for a City
  8. I Dare Not Be Defeated
  9. If the Path I Travel
  10. In the Mighty Name of Jesus
  11. In the Wilderness for God
  12. Keep the Incense Burning
  13. Keep Up the Song of Faith
  14. Lift that Name High!
  15. Not Where We Elect to Go
  16. On Toward the Goal! Press On!
  17. The Days May Yet Grow Darker
  18. There Is Always Something Over
  19. Thou Magnet of My Soul
  20. Via Bethlehem We Journey
  21. Watch for the Morning Is Breaking
  22. Wrecked Outright

Adapted Hymns

  1. He Faileth Not, for He Is God
  2. Poems - To the Foe My Word Is Always, “No”

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