Letters - 1904.12.10 Extract from Annual Letter


Girls’ Boarding-school
Dec. 10, 1904
The past year has gone so quickly that I scarcely realize I must report on it to you already. The last ten weeks of 1903 were almost a blank ot me, for I was struggling with typhoid and malaria, and was very near eternity; and the beginning of this year, though, thank God, restored to some measure of health, I was unable to take full work. However, since March I have done full work, and now quite well and able to enjoy the routine of this large school.

We have had over 200 girls all the year. The money has come in, and we have had “enough” always, and sometimes “enough and to spare.” We do thank God for all He is doing through us. As to spiritual results, time fails me to give any adequate account of how God is working; and I also feel that it is not wise to say too much about what, to our eyes, is very evident—of the presence of God in our midst.

For a long time we have had an early morning prayer-meeting, conducted by Miss Bushell, to pray specially for the outpouring of the Spirit of God upon this school and upon the native church. Then we had, from time to time, special address at our Christian Endeavour meeting on Friday evenings. About a month ago, Mr. Diong, of Ku-cheng, addressed the girls on the subject of “Sin, Its Power and Penalty, and the Importance of Putting Away Sin.” The following Friday, quite unexpectedly, we had the privilege of having an address from a clergyman, the Rev. Frausen, from Chicago; and he, never having heard of the address of the previous Friday, and all unknowing that the girls, many of them, were under deep conviction of sin, took for his subject “The Forgiveness of Sins,” and at close of his most solemn address asked those who wished to know that their sins were forgiven to stand up. At least sixty girls rose, and afterwards prayed one by one, confessing sin and seeking forgiveness. The following Sunday evening a great many more made a similar decision, and we have every reason to praise God for the real work that begun; and this goes steadily on. Quarrels have been made up, and other visible results are before our eyes of the reality of this work of grace.

We are thankful to have our dear Miss Lambert back. This burden of funds falls chiefly upon her and upon Miss Bushell, and it is a burden, although so bravely and cheerfully borne; and God does honour His servants by sending in the needed money. We need at least 10 pounds per week.

As to the educational side of the work, I can only say that these Chinese girls are quite as interesting to teach as any of their English sisters; and it is an immense privilege to help them, whether in “weights and measures” or in the valuation of things unseen.


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Letters - 1905.11 before the Fuh-Kien Women’s Conference

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